Pulau Redang (Redang Island) is situated 45km northeast of Kuala
Terengganu or about 22km from Tanjung Merang. Gazetted as a Marine Park
in 1994, it is a heaven for scuba divers and ideal for memorable
holidays with crystal clear water, powdery white beaches and
spectacular off shore snorkeling.
Pulau Redang consist of a group of islands, with Pulau Redang
being the biggest surrounded by a few smaller islands. With the unique
terrain, Pulau Redang as well as the surrounding islands have beautiful
dive sites rich in both sea life and corals.
we offer you the breeze 3 days 2 nights stay at Redang Pelangi Resort with its FullBoard packages...
for further inquiries, feel free to contact us.. our staff would be glad to assist you.